داستان آبیدیک

ضبط کردن ضبط

zabt, ~ kardan


1 Law:: seize /seizing, seizure/ : to take possession or custody of (property) esp. by lawful authority (seize drug as evidence( (the judgment of criminal forfeiture shall authorize the Attorney General to seize the interest or property subject to forfeiture – Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule

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2 Law:: foreclose /foreclosing, foreclosure/ : (of a bank, etc that has lent money to s.o.) to take possession of s.o.’s property, usu because they have not paid back an agreed part of the loan (to foreclose a mortgage or other security interest( (when he defaulted on his payments, the bank foreclosed on the car( foreclosure

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3 Law:: confiscate /confiscating, confiscation/ : to seize without compensation as forfeited to the public treasury. (numerous confiscations of obscene books( (if you try to smuggle goods into the country, they may be confiscated by the Customs authorities( (the principal confiscated their knives(

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4 Law:: attach /

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5 Law:: forfeit /

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6 Law:: distrain /

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7 Law:: detainer : the forcible detention of a man’s person or property

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8 Law:: sequestrate : to seize esp by a writ of sequestration, that is a writ authorizing an official (as a sheriff) to take into custody the property of a defendant usu. to enforce a court order, to exercise quasi in rem jurisdiction, or to preserve the property until judgment is rendered. Sequestration

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9 Law:: impound /

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10 Law:: condemnation (n) : the determination and declaration that certain property (esp. land) is assigned to public use, subject to reasonable compensation; the exercise of eminent domain by a governmental entity (merchant ships captured in war were often condemned( (after the return of the commission [of Appraisement] a second proclamation was made; and if no claimant appeared, the goods were condemned to the use of the Crown - JBS(

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11 Law:: take : a. to obtain control, custody, or possession of often by assertive or intentional means b. to seize or interfere with the use of (property) by governmental authority; specif : to acquire title to for public use by eminent domain

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12 Law:: file (در پرونده گذاردن) : to place (as a document) on file among the records of an office by formally receiving and endorsing (a complaint filed by the clerk despite the absence of the filing fee(

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13 Law:: appropriate /-ing, -ion/ (من غير حق يا بدون مجوز براي خود برداشتن) : to take or make use of without authority or right

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14 Law:: requisition (n) : the taking or seizure of property by government

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15 Law:: repossess /

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